yogic breathing practices
Pranayama - Breathing

Breathing like an Urban Yogee

You'd think we all know how to breathe, considering thats the first thing we do when we arrive in this world.....but it's surprising how many of us don't do it right!

Pooraka - Inhalation
Rechaka - Exhalation
Kumbhaka - Ceasing to breathe / Pausing of breath
- Antara Kumbhaka - Pause while holding inhaled breath
- Bahya Kumbhaka - Pasue while holding exhaled breath

All pranayam practices stimulate the vagus nerve. The resultant increase in vagal tone that occurs through sustained and consistent practise is how pranayama improves the functioning of all the vital organs it is connected to.

Surya Bhedna Anuloma breathing

Activates the Pingala nadi and creates energy.

Chandra Bhedna Viloma breathing

Activates the Ida nadi and creates calmness.

Anulom Vilom

Alternate nostril breathing without pauses. Balances tridoshas.

Nadi Shodhan

Alternate nostril breathing with pauses. A Shuddhi Kriya (cleansing technique).

Sukha Kriya

Isha Yoga's variation of alternate breathing that calms anxiety and raises spirits.


Three break breathing.


Generates body heat.


Cools down the body.


Cools down the body.

Bhramri buzzing bee

Buzzing bee breathing.

Kapal Bhati

A Shuddi Kriya (cleansing technique) for the upper respiratory passages - a must for those of us breathing polluted city air. Increases Vata and Pitta, decreases Kapha.

Bhastrika bellows breath

Clears the lower sections of the lungs and promotes deeper breathing. Increases kapha.


Powerful pranayama for balancing your digestive fire - activates, increases, decreases or nornmalises, as the case maybe. Preparatory for Nauli Shatkarma.








Jivh Bandha

Jalandar Bandha

Uddiyaan Bandha

Mool Bandha


Gyan Mudra

Chin Mudra

Pranav Mudra

Khechari Mudra

Maha Mudra

Copyright © Urban Yogee

All content on this website is notes to self enroute to becoming an Urban Yogee. These pages document a personal understanding and an individual comprehension; so use your discretion to consider or dismiss what's offered in these pages. Should you choose to apply anything mentioned here, please exercise restraint and common sense. Do consult your doctor before embarking on any changes in your diet, medication and/or exercise regimen.