panch koshas

Panch Kosha
5 sheaths of the human body

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The five biosheaths are, according to Sanatani biology, the 5 layers that make up the human body, in increasing order of subtleness.

Kosha means covering. Maya, here in this context, means made of/ modified by. So Anna (food) Maya (made/modified) Kosha (cover) literally means the cover which is made of and modified by food. Prana (energy) Maya Kosha is the sheath or cover made of and modified by prana (energy). Mano Maya Kosha is the sheath made of and modified by emotions, feelings, thoughts and cognition; the sensory cognitive complex or Manas. Vigynan Maya Kosha is the sheath made of and modified by Buddhi which is higher order intellect. Ananda Maya Kosha is the sheath made of and modified by our Karma or actions.

five bio-sheaths

1. Anna Maya Kosha
physical sheath

Anna in sanskrit means that which we eat and that which eats us - a very apt description of this sheath. This is the kosha made of and modified by the sustenance we consume. When we die, this sheath becomes food for plants or animals. While we are alive, if we don't eat right (mitahaar), disease takes over and eats away at this sheath.

We all have the same annamayakosha, which is what makes up the science of human biology, and why doctors can study one model and treat all humans.

Strong identification with this kosha leads to a self identity where physical attributes are most important. "I am fat, I am thin, I am black/ brown/ white/ yellow, I look old/youthful/pretty/ugly" - all of these arise from here.

This sheath is made up of the physical body, the one we can see, touch, feel. It is the gross material body corresponding to the Stula Sharira of Trikaya.

The operating field of Anna Maya Kosha is limited to the body alone. This body is the grossest of all koshas, and quite inert without the underlying koshas - which makes surgery possible by knocking out the subtler koshas.

2. Prana Maya Kosha
energy sheath

This sheath is comprised of the physiological functions and the energy that drives them. This includes the 5 bioenenergetic functions of prana, apana, samana, vyana, udana. This is the sheath we strengthen with pranayam and the source of the energy that runs the biological functions that maintain the annamayakosha.

This sheath is the first of three sheaths that make up the Sukshma Sharira of Trikaya.

The operating field of Prana Maya Kosha is the body, and to some extent, outside the body too. The breath can be used to blow a balloon or a candle, projectile vomiting or sneezing (function of udana) act by throwing/spreading stuff from inside the body some feet outside the annamayakosha.

This kosha also extends outside the body as the aura which can be captured by Kirlian photography. The glowing halo depicted around heads of enlightened people is another way this kosha can be seen outside the body.

3. Mano Maya Kosha
emotional & mental sheath

This is where feelings, emotions, cognition and thoughts live. This sheath is finer, more subtle than the previous two koshas. It has control over the 10 Indriyas as well as Manas. Vrittis that yoga aims to remove also dwell here.

Sensory inputs from the 5 gyanendriyas (the five senses) are processed and collated here, then sent to the next sheath for decision making. Decisions handed down by Vigynan Maya Kosha are then executed by Mano Maya Kosha.

This sheath is subtler than the Anna and Prana Maya Koshas, using parts of the brain other than the biggest cortex lobe, the frontal; i.e. its the sheath that controls all the sensory processing cortexes of the brain.

This sheath is the second of three sheaths that make up the Sukshma Sharira of Trikaya.

The operating field of Mano Maya Kosha is well beyond the body, to all that is known and familiar. The mind can travel to far away places that were visited, recall memories of past events and interactions, explore ideas and scenarios read about or seen in pictures or movies.

4. Vigyan Maya Kosha
higher intellect

This is the home of Viveka, the power of discrimination as well as Vairagya, the ability to detach, remain dispassionate. Reasoning, logic, wisdom, decision making, innovation, creativity, original ideas, higher order thinking, creating and/or learning something new - all are in the domain of this biosheath.

This sheath is also the dwelling of the chitta and the sheath where the vasanas accummulate.

This is the body which we work hard to develop so that it can control the outer three progressively grosser koshas in accordance with Dharma.

This sheath is the third of three sheaths that make up the Sukshma Sharira of Trikaya.

The operating field of Vigynan Maya Kosha is everything known as well as unknown. New ideas, new concepts, new connections, original creativity, probing the limits of known knowledge and extending beyong it to explore the unknown, e.g. writing science fiction or creating new math & science theories. This sheath is only limited by this lifetime and state/ circumstances of the current external world.

5. Anand Maya Kosha
bliss body

This is the subtlest sheath, and the only one that we carry across lifetimes. It is a storehouse of all three kinds of Karma.

It is here that happiness, joy, bliss live. This is where samskaras (impressions) live and and move with you from lifetime to lifetime. Samskaras are finer, more subtle impressions of the vasanas. They influence the two outer koshas through the mechanism of vasanas and vrittis. In turn vasanas we indulge in the current lifetime strengthen and cause deeper impressions in the anandamaya, thus influencing future lifetimes. Vasanas weakened by self restraint lighten or wipe out samskaras for future lifetimes.

This sheath is the causal body corresponding to the Karaana Sharira of Trikaya.

The operating field of Ananda Maya Kosha is across multiple lifetimes, and is not limited by time, space or matter like the other four koshas.

True Self, Purusha
atma (consciousness)

Pervading through all the Pancha (five) Koshas (biosheaths, coverings) is our Real True Self, the Soul, the Atma, that bit of Purusha that dwells within us all, infusing everything with consciousness.

Everything Prakritic, made of matter, has consciousness but not to the same levels. A rock, stones, plants and animals, all have consciousness, but a certain level of/ degree of consciousness is required for sentience.

This is the Absolute Reality that humans do not realise; knowing and experiencing this True Self is the purpose of all forms of yoga.

Ahamkaar, the I-ness and ego pervades through all five koshas, but is strongest in the kosha we identify with the most.

When our self awareness is not developed, our strongest notions of self come from our physical attributes, the grossest sheath. Ahamkaar lives in the Stula Sharira, our outer body or Anna Maya Kosha. A little self awareness at the energy level moves Ahamkaar, our sense of self, to the Prana Maya Kosha.

When we identify strongest with our feelings, then Ahamkaar shifts to the Mano Maya Kosha. "I think therefore I am" is a statement of the Ahamkaar residing in the Vigynana Maya Kosha.

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All content on this website is notes to self enroute to becoming an Urban Yogee. These pages document a personal understanding and an individual comprehension; so use your discretion to consider or dismiss what's offered in these pages. Should you choose to apply anything mentioned here, please exercise restraint and common sense. Do consult your doctor before embarking on any changes in your diet, medication and/or exercise regimen.