back bends yoga poses
backward bending poses

Backward Bending Asanas
curving the spine

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Asanas that strengthen the back while increasing flexibility of the spine are essential to any yoga practise.

Kandharasana Setubandhasana Bounded Bridge pose

Kandharasana shoulder pose

Also known as Setu Bandh Asana (bound bridge pose), this is a prerequisite to Setu Asana.

Pose with one right angle

Shalabhasana locust pose pose

Half Locust Pose - Ardh Shalabhasana

Ardh Shalabhasana half locust pose

Bhujang Asana - Striking Cobra Pose

Bhujangasana striking cobra pose

One of the core poses to maintain a healthy spine, this asana can be attempted by beginners, but takes a while to get right.

Saral Bhujang Asana - Easy Cobra Pose

Saral Bhujang Asana easy cobra pose

AKA Neerlambasana or the Sphinx pose, this is the most basic lower spine relaxing asana.

Dhanur Asana - bow pose

Dhanur Asana bow pose

Saral Dhanur Asana - easy bow pose

Saral Dhanur Asana easy bow pose

Ushtrasana - Camel Pose

Ushtrasana camel pose

Sarp Asana - Snake Pose

Sarpasana snake pose

Ardh Chandrasana - Half Moon Pose

Ardh Chandrasana half moon pose

This pose, when added to Surya Namaskar (sun salutation) makes Chandra Namaskar (Moon salutation).

Setu Asana Bridge pose OR Poorva Utthan Asana

Setu Asana bridge pose

Also known as Purvottanasana, this is the mirror pose of Paschimottanasana.

Raj Kapot Asana - King Pigeon Pose

Raaj Kapotasana king pigeon pose

Ardh Chakrasana - Half Wheel Pose

Ardh Chakrasana half wheel pose

Chakrasana - Wheel Pose

Chakrasana wheel pose

Vipreet Naukasana reverse boat pose

Vipreet Dandasana reverse staff pose

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