links to other sources

to explore further

Online resources you can deep dive into, for different perspectives and points of view.

Himalayan Tradition

Divine Life Society

Swami Vivekanand

Swami Chinmayanand

Translated Vedic Texts


Translated Yoga Texts


Hatha Yoga Pradipika
by Svatmaram, translated by Pancham Sinh

Open PDF

Holy Science
by Yukteshwar Giri

Open PDF

Gheranda Samhita
translated by Vasu

Open PDF

Shiv Samhita
translated by Vasu

Open PDF

Copyright © Urban Yogee

All content on this website is notes to self enroute to becoming an Urban Yogee. These pages document a personal understanding and an individual comprehension; so use your discretion to consider or dismiss what's offered in these pages. Should you choose to apply anything mentioned here, please exercise restraint and common sense. Do consult your doctor before embarking on any changes in your diet, medication and/or exercise regimen.