urban yogee lifestyle
living like an urban yogee

Like an Urban Yogee

The negative effects of urban living can be largely mitigated by consistent dexotification.

Urban Yogees do not live in a cave somewhere in the Himalayas or the jungles. They live right in the midst of large metropolitan cities, amidst all the demands of work, family, social and professional lives, traffic, layoffs, rasing kids, caring for elders and a myraid of other daily challenges urban life entails.

Yet they can develop, and then carry, deep within themselves, a sphere of peace that acts like a centre of equanimity which grounds and balances them through it all. This little sphere of peace however, requires a healthy body and mind to dwell in - and typical modern city life is quite inimical to both.

Now, of course there are parts of this planet with clean air and fresh flowing water, where you can grow your own food organically and live a happy, healthy life. Unfortunately very few urban folk aspire to that lifestyle. To those used to the bright lights and hustle bustle of the big cities, it's an incredibly boring way to live. But in the long run, living in exciting urban areas comes at a price, which is usually paid for with your health and wellness.

This is where we bring in a very yogee solution to the inevitables of city life - detoxification. Consistent, daily, ongoing detoxification.

While this isn't a guarantee that you will totally avoid illness and disease, it does go a long way in preventing a host of lifestyle diseases and preserving your immunity and wellness.

Detoxify using the many different ways, detailed in the two categories - internal and external.

circadian cycles

seasonal cycles

Why Detoxify?

An integral part of an Urban Yogee lifestyle is to detoxify on a daily basis. But why?

Outlined in the two links above are multiple ways to counter the contaminants that accompany typical urban lifestyles. This is the only way to counter the wellness-degrading effects of city life. But what exactly are these contaminants that so impact our well being? Let's take a look!!

Food Pollution
contaminants & chemicals

Noise Pollution
sound toxicity

Socio Cultural Stressors
emotional toxins

Ethical Issues
psychic toxins

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