Shuddhi Kriyas
detoxification and cleansing
Shuddi Kriyas are detoxifying/cleansing practises....
...that remove dietary/ emotional/ environmental toxins as well as waste by-products of metabolic processes, to cleanse, detox and make pristine your body, mind, spirit, soul and energy.
Obviously, this is a great way to wellness and prevents a host of diseases. Sometimes however yogic practices alone may not suffice, especially in chronic conditions or if a diseased state is already in an advanced stage - in which case one would have to undergo a much deeper, more comprehensive cleansing in the form of ayurvedic panchkarma.
Hatha Yoga defines 6 cleansing practises called Shat Karmas - Neti, Dhauti, Nauli, Basti, Tratak and Kapalbhati, with variations in the objects or method of performing each of them.
For example, Basti or enema can be either a decoction or oil enema. Neti can be performed using water or thread. Tratak can be done using the sun or a candle flame.
Raja Yoga gives importance to a pranayama technique for cleansing the subtle energies and their channels (prana energy in the nadis) called Nadi Shodhan or Nadi Shuddhi.
Tantra advocates cleansing of the 5 basic elements - Bhuta Shuddhi, as well Tattva Shuddhis - purifying 25 of the 51 Tattwas.
The Sudarshan Kriya of the Art of Living school of yoga is for cleansing negative emotions and stress that gathers within the body.
Shuddhi Kriyas refer to all of these detoxifying, cleansing and purifying techniques and practises from all forms and schools of yoga.