yogic breathing practices
Pranayama - Breathing

Breathing like an Urban Yogee

You'd think we all know how to breathe, considering thats the first thing we do when we arrive in this world.....but it's surprising how many of us don't do it right!

Pranayam is the correct moniker for what, in common parlance, is called breathwork/ breathing practises and other such related terms. All pranayam practises stimulate the vagus nerve, a central nerve that originates in the brain (10th cranial nerve) and meanders through the head/ neck and across the entire body, to end in the pelvis. This activation of the vagus nerve and the resultant increase in vagal tone that occurs through sustained and consistent practise is how pranayama improves the functioning of all the vital organs it connects to.



Kumbhaka is to cease breathing for a duration, either while holding air in the lungs or holding out air from just emptied lungs. This naturally increases nitrous oxide levels in the body, one of the ways to boost immunity, prevent disease, preserve health and wellness.

Antara Kumbhaka
internal breath holding

Pause while holding in inhaled breath

Bahiya Kumbhaka
hold with empty lungs

Pause and hold after exhaling


Surya Bhedna
Anuloma breathing

Activates the Pingala/sun nadi and creates heat/energy, aids digestion and stimulates sympthatetic nervous system.

Chandra Bhedna
Viloma breathing

Activates the Ida/moon nadi and creates calmness/peace, soothes nerves and activates parasymphathetic processes.

Anulom Vilom
Balances tridoshas

Alternate nostril breathing without pauses.

Nadi Shodhan
A Shuddhi Kriya

Alternate nostril breathing with pauses.

Sukhapoorvak Pranayam
Breath awareness

Watching your natural breathing pattern, simply observing, not modifying or controlling it in anyway.

Sukha Kriya
variation of alternate nostril breathing

Isha Yoga's variation of alternate breathing which calms anxiety, soothes the nerves and raises spirits.

Dirga Pranayam
3 part breathing

Breathing in thirds, the 3 parts separated by pauses.

Ujjayi Pranayam
hissing breath

Self obstructing the epiglottis, hissing from the throat.

rolled-up tongue beathing

Cools the body down, by losing heat through mouth breathing.

deep sigh breathing

Calms the nerves, by forcefully breathing through the mouth. Cooling.

Kapaal Bhati
A Shuddhi Kriya

Cleanses upper respiratory passages. Recommended for those living in polluted cities. Increases Vata and Pitta, decreases Kapha.

bellows breath

Clears the lower third of the lungs, promotes deeper breathing. Increases kapha. Raises blood pressure, aids digestion, creates energy.

Bhramri Pranayam
buzzing bee breath

Activates the heart, navel and throat chakras. Maintains brain function.

Agnisar Pranayam
digestive fire balancing breath

Powerful pranayama for balancing jathar agni. Preparatory for Nauli Shatkarma.

Anuloma Pranayam

Viloma Pranayam

Pratiloma Pranayam

Murccha Pranayam

Plavini Pranayam

Savitri Pranayam

Mantra Pranayam


Jivh Bandha

Jalandar Bandha

Uddiyaan Bandha

Mool Bandha


Gyan Mudra

Chin Mudra

Khechari Mudra

Pranav Mudra

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