urban yogee asanas


A catalog of asanas.

The earliest acknowledged texts of yoga list only a handful of asanas, with the numbers increasing with time; the Hatha Yoga Pradipika lists 32 asanas. The consensus of traditional Indian yoga texts and experts is that classical asanas can be condensed down to a core of 84 poses. With variations of course, they can number far more!

Categorised here are the asanas commonly practised in the 21st century, both from traditional and contemporary schools of yoga. Most asanas, and their variations, can be classified in multiple categories (standing twist, seated twist, seated mountain, standing mountain etc.), and so are listed under multiple categories.

Also included are asana lists for specific goals and common conditions.

Crack the Code
asana names made easy

Pavanmukt Series 1
release wind from your joints

Pavanmukt Series 2
release wind from your abdomen

Pavanmukt Series 3
energise your spine and core

Seated Asanas
poses on your butt

Standing Asanas
poses on your feet

Supine Asanas
poses on your back

Prone Asanas
poses on your belly

Forward Bends
poses for a flat active core

Back Bends
poses for a healthy spine

Side Stretchers
poses for flexible flanks

Trunk Twisters
poses to detox organs

lunging asanas for strong legs

On All Fours
poses on four points or less

inverted poses

Balancing Asanas
stability building poses

Relaxing Asanas
stress releasing poses

Meditative Asanas
meditation poses

Dynamic Asanas
in-motion poses

Hip Openers
poses for pelvic & hips

Shoulder Builders
poses for upper body strength

Desk Jockeys
yoga for desk bound bodies

Keyboard Monkeys
yoga for keyboard power users

Device Demons
yoga for device overload

Screen & Book Worms
yoga for overtaxed eyes

Net Ninjas
yoga for heavy internet users

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