Environmental Toxins
in our products

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Cosmetics & Toiletries fossil fuel fumes

BPAs Bisphenol, Known as "xenoestrogens", which essentially means they're estrogen-mimicking,alters fat cells when it interacts with insulin. Bisphenol has been found to spark and accelerate two of the biological mechanisms underlying obesity: an increase in the number of fat cells in our body and the enhancement of their fat-storing capabilities. So the presence of this chemical can influence not only the production of more fat cells, but also increase their size ..... high levels of BPA in the blood were associated with an 80 percent increase in the risk of miscarriage for pregnant women.
nail polish - formaldehyde, parabens in creams and moisturisers, phthalates in soaps, shampoos, creams, toys, water bottles, even pipes and some medicines;
lead in makeup,

Insulation in homes and buildings

Lead paint, asbestos, homes with treated woods, carpets, plywood that give off formalehyde (carcinogen) fumes, PVC shower curtains give off fumes when exposed to hot showers amd steams,

Chemical Sprays/ Fumes indoors & outdoors

Everything from hair sprays/ hair-dyes and air fresheners on timers, to deodorants and mosquito repellants, any chemical based spray is a potential environmental pollutant, especially when used in a closed indoor area. Insect repellants that are regularly sprayed outdoors also fall into this category, if you are exposed to the cloud of spray before it has fully dispersed.

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