pavan mukt series 1
pavanmuktasana group one

Pavan Mukt Group 1
vayu releasing warm ups

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An excess of Vayu or 'wind' in the body is believed to cause a multitude of diseases, according to ayurvedic and yogic tradition.

The joints and the abdominal thoraxic cavities is where it accumulates most often. This anti-rheumatic group of movements releases excess vayu from the joints of the body.

Though suitable for first time beginners of any age, these series are recommended as warm ups for advanced and expert practitioners as well. Even bed ridden invalids can benefit from doing whichever of these are possible for them to do comfortably.

Dandasana - Prarambhik Stithi - basic or starting pose

Dandasana staff pose

Also known as Prarambhik Stithi, this is the base pose for all seated asanas.

Pad anguli naman - bending of toes

Pad Anguli Naman toe curls

Relieve tired feet. Releases the tension of being on your feet all day. Relaxes toes and improves balance.

Goolf Naman - ankle bends

Goolf Naman ankle bends

Return stagnant venous blood from feet back to the centre of the body. Works the shin joint ligaments.

Goolf Chakra - ankle rotations

Goolf Chakra ankle rotations

Activate lymphatic drainage from the feet and legs, and circulate stagnant blood in the feet and legs.

Goolf Ghoornan - ankle cranks

Goolf Ghoornan ankle cranks

Relieve tiredness and cramps. Help prevent venous thrombosis. Benefits those who are post-operative or bed-ridden.

Janufalak Akarshan - Knee Contractions

Janufalak Akarshan knee contractions

10 counts of these knee contractions, done daily, can save you from knee problems as you progress through the years.

Janu Naman - Bending of Knee

Janu Naman knee bends

All the knee movements in this series strengthen quadricep, muscles and ligaments of the knee joint.

Janu Chakra - Knee Rotations

Janu Chakra knee rotations

All the knee movements in this series activate healing energies to rejuvenate knee joints.

Ardh Tittali - half butterfly

Ardh Tittali half butterfly

Increases flexibility in knee and hip joint. Prepares you for sitting cross legged on the floor. Corrects any misalignments in the knee joint.

Shroni Chakra - leg rotations from hipMatsya kridasasana

Shroni Chakra hip joint rotation rotations

Circular motion of legs, by rotating from the hip joint. Prepares you for sitting still in meditative poses.

Tittali Asana - half butterfly

Poorna Tittali full butterfly

Releases tension in the inner thighs, and tiredness from long hours of walking/ standing. Preparatory for padmasana.

  • Level: Advanced
Mushtika Bandha - Fist Clenches

Mushtika Bandha fist clenches

Releases tension from extended periods of typing or writing. Relaxes muscles and joints of fingers.

Manibandh Naman - Wrist Bends

Manibandh Naman wrist bends

Beneficial for the ligaments and tiny joints of hands and fingers. Releases tension of fine motor skill work.

Manibandh Chakra - Wrist Rotations

Manibandh Chakra wrist rotations

Helps prevent carpal tunnel syndrome in those who spend extended hours on a computer keyboard.

Kehuni Naman - Arm Bends

Kehuni Naman arm bends

Releasing the elbow (kehuni) joint with arm bends.

Kehuni Chakra - Elbow Rotations

Kehuni Chakra elbow rotations

Skanda Naman - Shoulder Bends

Skanda Naman shoulder bends

Skanda Chakra shoulder rotations

Griva Sanchalan - Neck Bends and Rotations

Griva Sanchalan neck activation

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