pavan mukt series 2
pavanmuktasana group two

Pavan Mukt Group 2
vayu releasing warm ups

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An excess of Vayu or 'wind' in the body is believed to cause a multitude of diseases, according to ayurvedic and yogic tradition.

The joints and the abdominal thoraxic cavities is where it accumulates most often. This digestive, abdominal series of movements release excess vayu from the trunk.

Though suitable for first time beginners, these series are recommended as warm ups for advanced and expert practitioners as well. Especially beneficial for those suffering from a weak digestion, constipation, acidity, lack of appetite, excessive flatulence, diabetes, reproductive problems or varicose veins.

It is recommended to do this group of movements with alternating legs at the beginning, gradually building up to doing them with both legs, so that there is no strain. Hernia patients should refrain from attempting these with both legs.

Pad Utthanasana - leg raises

Pad Utthan Asana leg raises

Tones the lower belly. Strengthens lower back, pelvic floor and perineal muscles. Corrects prolapse.

Pad Chakrasana - leg rotations

Pad Chakrasana leg rotations

Maintains flexibility of hip joints. Tones back muscles and digestive system. Prevents obesity.

Pad Sanchalan - cycling legs in the air

Pad Sanchalan air cycling

Prevents knee and hip joint problems. Strengthens and tones abdomen and lower back.

Saral Nav Asana - easy boat pose

Saral Naav Asana easy boat pose

Ardh Naav Asana - half boat pose

Ardh Naav Asana half boat pose

Nav Asana or Naukasana - boat pose

Naukasana boat pose

Stimulates and balances digestive, endocrinal, circulatory, digestive and nervous systems. Relieves anxiety.

Supt Pavan Mukt Asana - supine wind releasing pose

Supt Pawan Mukt Asana supine wind release pose

Keeps spine flexible. Strengthens lower back. Prevents constipation and flatulence. Massages pelvic organs.

Jhoolna Lurhakana Asana - Rocking and Rolling

Jhoolna Lurhakanasana rock & roll

Massages hips, lower back and buttocks. Helps clear constipation when performed after a morning walk.

Supt Udarakarshan Asana -

Supt Udarakarshan Asana supine abdominal stretch

Works the deep muscles of the abdomen, improves digestion, eliminates constipation. Releases stiff spine.

Shav Udarakarshan Asana -

Shav Udarakarshan Asana

Relaxes a strained, tight lower back. Tones pelvic and abdominal muscles.

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