Pavan Mukt Group 3
energising warm ups
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A firm flat core and a healthy spine are the foundations that will physically support your every goal in life.
A flexible and erect spine is the most obvious sign of health and vitality. These basic movements should be done daily to remain energetic and keep your body moving at all ages.
Group 3 comprises a series of Shakti Bandhas, these dynamnic postures ensure you don't feel a lack energy, both physical and psychic.
Pawan Mukt series 3 is a very different set, in that there is slow, steady, constant movement when performing them; unlike the "stheer sukham" ( steady, stable, comfortable, easily maintained) states normally associated with yogasanas.
Though suitable for first time beginners, these series are recommended as warm ups for advanced and expert practitioners as well.

Rajju Karshanasana rope pulling

Gatyatmak Meru Wakrasana spine twisting

Chakki Chalan Asana grain grinding

Nauka Chalan Asana boat rowing

Kashtha Takshan Asana wood chopping

Namaskaram salutation

Vayu Nishkasana wind releasing

Kawwa Chalanasana crow walking

Udar Akarshan Asana abdominal stretch
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