the 3 doshas of ayurveda

3 bio energies

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The 3 qualities - Vata, Pitta, Kapha - that govern the material bodies of all living things.

Loosely mapping to the 3 humers outlined by healers of ancient recorded history, the tridoshas form the basis of yogic human biology as well as the 8 therapies of ayurveda.

Dosha, literally translated, means fault or flaw.

Vata Dosha

The Air Principle

Akaash (Space) + Vaayu (Air)

Vata is the transportative bioenergy which causes blood to circulate, nutrients and waste to be transferred, exchange of gases, lymph to seep in and out of the blood, nerve signals to travel. Any movement of any sort. Vata tends to increase with age, and is seen as the root cause of aging, disease and decay in material bodies. To the extent one can mitigate the effects of vata dosha, one stays young and healthy.

Personified as Indradev in the Rigveda.

Pitta Dosha

The Fire Principle

Tej / Agni (Fire) + Apa / Jal (Water)

The transformative bioenergy, pitta is responsible for digestion, metabolism, heat and energy. It is pitta which makes possible the catabolic functions in the body. Pitta powers all cellular functions and human drives.

Personified as Agnidev in the Rigveda.

Kapha Dosha

The Earth Principle

Apa / Jal (Water) + Prithvi (Earth)

Kapha gives form, structure and support to the body. Bones, fat, muscle, all mucous membranes and the lymphatic system fall in the domain of kapha. It is what drives the anabolic functions of the body, responsible for growth and building - be it height, weight or growing a new life.

Personified as Somadev in the Rigveda.

This table below summarises the typical qualities associated with each guna:

1 Air+Ether Fire+Water Water+Earth
2 Changeable Driven Stable
3 Ectomorph Mesomorph Endomorph
4 Separation Transformation Union
5 Dry Damp Oily
6 Light Penetrating Heavy
7 Subtle Sharp Gross
8 Dry Hot Wet
9 Erratic Purposeful Steady
10 Fast Strong Slow
11 Hard Fluid Soft
12 Friction Smelly Sticky
13 Brittle Lithe Slimy
14 Circulation Digestion Growth
15 Nerves Muscles Fat
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